My Bucket List

1. Go to Iceland and visit the Fjords. Cook hardboiled eggs in the hot springs.
2. Learn to play golf.
3. Learn enough Spanish to be able to get by in a place where people don't speak English.
4. Attend a class at the Omega Institute.
5. Learn to juggle.
6. Hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
7. Hike on the Appalachian Trail.
8. Walk the Camino de Santiago.
9. Visit Seinna, Italy.
10. Rent a cottage on Martha Vineyard.
11. Learn to water color.
12. Earn my Ph.D.
13. Publish a book.
14. Do a koro in Tibet.
15. Finish my Ngondro.
16. Learn to play the mandolin.
17. Learn to play a band or orchestra instrument well enough to play with a group.
18. Visit Kathmandu, Nepal.
19. Attend Phowa teachings in Northern India.
20. Have an exhibit of my photos.
21. Learn to make precious metal jewelery.
22. Learn to throw a pot.
23. Attend the Metropolitan Opera in NYC.
24. Become a Master Gardener.
25. Make an extended (3 year?) retreat.
26. Tour Turkey, especially Constantinople.
27. Go to Amersterdam and see Anne Frank's house.
28. Research my maternal grandmother's geneology.
29. Make Polaroid prints.
30. Illustrate Tagore couplets with my own photos and publish in a book.
31. Make a Drunkards Path quilt.
32. Make a quilt for myself.
33. Take teachings with Lama Tharchin in California.
34. Have a vegtable garden.
35. Visit Sedona.

More to follow --- this is a work in progress!